Last week a woman from charity organization M.O.S.T. came to our school and gave a presentation about Tibet. It was connected to the Word-wide commemoration week of the sad events in Tibet fifty years ago. She told us about the main problems of China and Tibet. We saw a film too. It was about families in Tibet who have to sell everything what they had to send their children to India where they can go to school and learn the Tibet traditions and history. Their parents pretend that their child is ill or they may have big problems with the Chinese police. In villages and towns of Tibet are people – guids - who take Tibetian children to India. But to go to India children (many times very young – 4! - 16 years old) must go many days trough Himalayas – the biggest mountains in the world. It was terrible to see so young children who must leave their home and families to go to school and do things which are normal for us. The story was so powerful that many of us were moved and we talked about it after the presentation.
Michaela Ulrichova